“A School Notebook: 1819-2019” Exhibition
23.11.2019. National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw. This year, for the second time, the Museum of Calligraphy and History of Writing will be the partner of Fountain Pen Day. On this occasion we will be able to see exhibits from the series: ‘A School Notebook: 1819 – 2019’. During the exhibition school notebooks will be presented, …

Guest exhibition at the National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw
The third edition of the great festival – Fountain Pen Day will take place on November 17, 2018 in National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw. The Museum of Calligraphy and History of Writing prepared for this occasion the exhibition entitled “Writing tools of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries”.

The Foundation of Museum of Calligraphy and History of Writing
We are very pleased to announce that on August 31, 2018, The Foundation of Museum of Calligraphy and History of Writing was established. With new powers, we are working hard on our project, hoping that for not so long the dream of many of us will come true and MCHW will turn into a stationary …

Welcome to the Museum of Calligraphy and the History of Writing! The mission of the Museum of Calligraphy and the History of Writing is to protect entrusted but now forgotten cultural heritage, disseminate the knowledge about the history of writing, as well as its role in the past and present development of verbal communication. The …